
20 Essentials Every Good Bridesmaid Carries With Them

20 Essentials Every Good Bridesmaid Carries With Them

Don’t Get Caught Without These Items 

Bridesmaids are responsible for a lot on the big day—they’re busy running around to make sure everything runs smoothly, and that includes keeping a bag packed with essentials! From safety pins to dry shampoo, here’s a list of key items every good bridesmaid carries with them. 

3 women in white floral dress holding bouquet of flowersJeremy Budiman on Unsplash

1. Bobby Pins

After so much time and money spent on the perfect hairdo, the last thing you want is flyaways. Bobby pins ensure that picture-perfect style stays that way throughout the night. They’re also helpful for the bride in case she needs one for photo hour. 

Miriam AlonsoMiriam Alonso on Pexels

2. Deodorant

Spring and summer weddings are a hotbed for odor. As stunning as those dresses are, they can also get cumbersome after a few hours of lugging them around—especially for the bride. A simple travel size keeps you or the bride fresh. 

Godisable JacobGodisable Jacob on Pexels

3. Safety Pins

You’d like to hope that multiple fittings and final alterations provide the perfect dress, but you never know when a problem could arise. Anything from cumbersome bustles to issues with the train warrants a safety pin, so it’s best to carry at least a few on you. 

silver safety pin on white paperAnne Nygård on Unsplash


4. Heel Protectors

Clear heel protectors clip right onto your shoes, which not only protects you against wear and tear but also ensures you won’t slip during summer ceremonies. Keep yourself from sinking into the grass and keep those pumps stunning far longer!

womens white and silver peep toe pumpsGavin Allanwood on Unsplash

5. Lint Roller

You never know when runaway hairs will cling to your dress. It’s even worse when they stick to a wedding gown. Good bridesmaids carry a travel-sized roller on them to keep every ensemble nice and tidy. 

cottonbro studiocottonbro studio on Pexels

6. Sanitary Products

No bride (or bridesmaid) wants to worry about their period on the big day. But it’s not an exact science and Aunt Flow pops up whenever she feels like it. Stop her in her tracks with spare sanitary products like wipes, tampons, and pads. 

white and red snow skiAunt Flow on Unsplash

7. Clear Nail Polish

Clear nail polish is so much more than what it appears. You can use it to seal any glitter back onto a bouquet, patch up any rips, or touch up manicures. Its versatility is more than enough reason to keep a small bottle handy. 

Elizabeth  TamaraElizabeth Tamara on Pexels

8. Mini Sewing Kit

Though safety pins work wonders, sewing kits are a step above for the truly serious cases! Brides have to sew their dresses more often than not and a mini sewing kit gets the job done in a jiffy. 

person holding pin using right hand and red mesh cloth using left handKris Atomic on Unsplash

9. Tissues

From happy tears to minor spills, tissues are a must for any bridesmaid. You’ll not only cry during the ceremony, but your makeup will work overtime to stay put on the dance floor, so these little guys will probably save you more than once.

white tissue paper in blue boxDiana Polekhina on Unsplash


10. Ibuprofen

We all like to think that weddings go off without a hitch, but headaches creep in all the time—stay prepared with a small bottle of pain reliever. It’s great for rogue pain but it’s also a lifesaver for any cramps. 

person holding brown and black round ornamentKateryna Hliznitsova on Unsplash

11. Dry Shampoo

We’re sweating, we’re dancing, we’re having the best day of our lives! But with that comes unkempt hair and oilier scalps, so dry shampoo is a key item for the big day. Even a travel bottle keeps locks as fresh as they were when things kicked off. 

woman in white long-sleeved shirt standing in front of pink wallElement5 Digital on Unsplash

12. Oil Blotting Sheets

Speaking of oily skin, shiny T-zones could do with a few blotting sheets! You don’t need to worry about messing up your makeup and can take care of any added shine on the fly. The bride might appreciate this priceless item too. 

close-up photo of persons eyeAmanda Dalbjörn on Unsplash

13. Bandages

Cuts and scrapes happen all the time, even during weddings. You never know when someone will nick themselves or grow a blister in their shoes, so bandages help more than you’d think! Just make sure they’re skin-toned over something more obvious. 

rectangular white case on gray surfacePossessed Photography on Unsplash

14. Phone Charger

Our phones need an energy boost just like the rest of us. Whether you’re playing music off of it or using it for endless photos and videos, that charger ensures it won’t kick the bucket in the middle of the ceremony. 

Photo By: Kaboompics.comPhoto By: Kaboompics.com on Pexels

15. Nail File

No one wants to deal with chipped nails. That unevenness can catch on dresses or break further and cause injury—so it’s nail files to the rescue. The best part about them is that they’re inexpensive and don’t take up much space in a makeup bag. 

niekverlaanniekverlaan on Pixabay


16. Double-Sided Tape

Don’t let wardrobe malfunctions get you down. Double-sided tape protects you from any potential slips, especially with lighter fabrics like satin. Depending on what the bride’s wearing, she might also benefit from a quick strip of tape. 

beasternchenbeasternchen on Pixabay

17. Earring Backs

We spend hours picking the best outfits and stunning accessories to match…so imagine how devastating it is to lose something! Spare earring backs keep everything in place; you won’t have to search every nook and cranny to find missing pieces.   

Anna MalyshevaAnna Malysheva on Pexels

18. Mints

It’s a touchy subject, but no one wants bad breath at a wedding. You spend hours hugging people and chatting with friends, which means breath strips or simple mints keep you nice and fresh. You and guests will both appreciate them. 

tesco british white cheddar cheeseElsa Olofsson on Unsplash

19. Eye Drops

We strain our eyes a lot during a wedding. Between all that crying to any potential allergies, eye drops keep unsightly redness away. Even if you don’t wind up using them, they’re a lifesaver worth packing. 

Nataliya VaitkevichNataliya Vaitkevich on Pexels

20. Baby Powder

Who wants to deal with chafed thighs on their wedding day? The bride will appreciate a pinch of powder and so will you! Keep a bottle tucked in your pack to make sure those legs don’t burn during the night. You’ll also stay nice and smooth in time for dancing.

File:Johnsons Baby Powder massage.jpgAustin Kirk on Wikimedia