
20 Style Phases We All Go Through As Teenagers

20 Style Phases We All Go Through As Teenagers

We’ve All Done It

As teenagers, we love boxing ourselves into certain categories. Perhaps it’s a way to feel like we’re part of a bigger picture, or maybe it's because figuring out what to wear to homeroom takes too long. Either way, here are 20 fashion phases we all go through.

File:Scene kids2.jpgKirsten Hartsoch [2] on Wikimedia

1. The Goth Phase

Whether you grew up watching Tim Burton movies or just had an aptitude for some dark and stylish bands, the Goth Phase was something we all considered. Key outfit pieces include ripped jeans, black-everything, and silver jewelry. The goal was essentially to pass as a vampire.

woman siting on focus photographyIsi Parente on Unsplash

2. The Hipster Phase

Hipsters are all about recognizing cool before it was cool. They apply this thinking to everything from thrift shopping to indie music selection. And of course, they have to wear flannel shirts and thick-framed glasses (fake ones do the trick just fine).

man in yellow crew neck shirt and black knit capToa Heftiba on Unsplash

3. The Scene Kid Phase

If you were active during the MySpace era, then you know all about making the most of your scene. This includes teased hair, studded belts, and of course, super heavy eyeliner. Neon clothes and skinny jeans are a must as well.

File:Hipsters Scene Kids blog.jpgchrishusein on Wikimedia


4. The VSCO Phase

For those that aren’t aware, the VSCO phase blends beachy vibes with that laid-back, environmentally aware attitude. Staples of the look include oversized shirts, shell necklaces, and pastels. Lots of pastels.

File:Meulaboh beach rainbow sunset.jpgCravegun on Wikimedia

5. The Boho Phase

Whether you were getting ready to go to Coachella or were just trying to imitate Vanessa Hudgens, the Boho phase still goes strong today. All you need is a crochet top, a maxi skirt, and of course, an oversized fringed bag.

DjulsDjuls on Pixabay

6. The Preppy Phase

If you were fans of the show Gossip Girl growing up, or simply wanted to emulate those old-money vibes, then the preppy phase was the one for you. Simply pair pearls with tennis skirts, or go for the classic cardigan-tied-over-the-shoulder look.

GlassesShopGlassesShop on Pixabay

7. The Academic Phase

There’s a point as you near university where you start dressing the way you assume a college professor would. This includes wearing turtlenecks, pleated pants, and sticking to a dusty brown color scheme.

freestocks-photosfreestocks-photos on Pixabay

8. The Emo Phase

The emo phase is essentially a darker and edgier goth phase. Your worldview is bleak, and your outfits reflect that. Simply side-swipe your bangs, throw on some black hoodies, and scribble emo band lyrics on your Converse shoes.

woman in black and pink floral long sleeve shirtDan Senior on Unsplash

9. The Y2K Phase

The Y2K era refers to the early 2000s, but plenty of people wear these styles to date. Think baby tees, velour tracksuits, and of course, lots and lots of butterfly clips.

a woman wearing a white hat and sunglassesDeon on Unsplash


10. The Cottage Phase

The cottage-core look is a more recent innovation, and it essentially mixes the simplicity of farm life with the charms of fairy tales. Think puff-sleeve dresses, vintage aprons, and the daintiest of jewelry. Oh, and mushrooms.

red apple fruit on white paperJingxi Lau on Unsplash

11. The Tumblr Phase

Tumblr was an internet site that a lot of teenagers sought refuge in to discuss their favorite bands and indie aesthetics. You’ll find a lot of crossover between Tumblr kids and Hipsters, as both took to oversized flannels, beanies, and vintage tees.

a man in a black shirt is holding a frisbeeChandan Chaurasia on Unsplash

12. The Dark Academic Phase

The darker cousin of the professorial academic is the dark academic, who prefers gothic cathedrals to dusty museums. As far as looks go, you’ll stick to wool coats, plaid skirts, and turtlenecks – but just make sure they’re black, gray, or red.

books filed on bookshelfThomas Kelley on Unsplash

13. The Gamer Phase

Lots of teenagers turn to video games as their outlet and escape from the world. One way to share your hobbies is to wear them, and many teens jumped to donning their favorite characters and games on their shirts, shoes, and socks.

u_jrmjeviymru_jrmjeviymr on Pixabay

14. The Athleisure Phase

For some teenagers, it was all about sports and the gym as they raced toward their dream bodies. Committed to taking the gym with them wherever they go, these teens wore running shoes everywhere, paired with sweatpants or leggings and zip-up hoodies.

boy in black jacket and yellow knit cap sitting on concrete stairsAlexandra Tran on Unsplash

15. The Punk Phase

For these teens, it was all about rebelling against the system, which is exactly what they did with their ripped band tees and combat boots. They also enjoyed wearing leather jackets and maxing the volume on their iPods.

woman wearing black crew-neck T-shirtIlya Mirnyy on Unsplash


16. The Tough Phase

At some point, the teen decides they want to come across looking tougher than they are. To emulate the “don’t mess with me” energy, they opt for camo pants, leather jackets, and of course, sunglasses.

man in black leather jacketDavid Todd McCarty on Unsplash

17. The Kawaii Phase

Throughout the West, Eastern fashions and television were making quite the name for themselves, especially with Hello Kitty and anime. Plenty of teens took to the pastels and colorful world of Harajuku fashion and never turned back.

woman in green jacket stands and pose on streetJoshua Chun on Unsplash

18. The Instagram Phase

Unfortunately, due to the weird and unrealistic societal pressures put forth by fake media, plenty of teens tried to emulate the filtered faces and bodies of the models and celebrities they looked up to. This led to skintight bodycons, expensive makeup, and luxury items.

yellow gemstoneBarış Selcen on Unsplash

19. The Skater Phase

Then, of course, there is that time when the teen hears an Avril Lavigne song for the first time and decides to recreate their entire personality to suit it. This teen wears baggy jeans and carries a skateboard that they may or may not know how to ride.

man in green hoodie and blue denim jeans sitting on skateboard during daytimeMikolaj Felinski on Unsplash

20. The Whatever Phase

Speaking of whatever, there’s a point in the teen’s life where trying to stick to a certain theme or aesthetic is just too much work. It might be 7 a.m. on a random Tuesday, and you simply can’t be bothered to coordinate an outfit. It’s whatever.

woman in black shirt sitting on chairAnnie Spratt on Unsplash